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Download A Datatable On R

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Load packages/libraries

Use library() to load packages at the top of each R script.

                          library(data.table); library(tidyverse) library(hausekeep) # if you don't have my package and want to use it, you'll have to install it from github # devtools::install_github("hauselin/hausekeep") # you might have to install devtools first (see above)          

Reading data into R

Read file in a directory and save the data as an object in the environment by using the assignment <- operator. `

If you don't have the dataset, right click here to download and save sleep.csv dataset. If you're following the tutorial step by step, you should also create a data folder in your current folder, and put the sleep.csv file inside the data folder.

                          df1 <- read.csv("./data/sleep.csv") # base R read.csv() function # same as df1 <- read.csv("data/sleep.csv") # READ: assign the output return by read.csv("data/sleep.csv") into df1  df2 <- fread("./data/sleep.csv") # fread() from library(data.table)  # my favorite is fread from data.table df3 <- fread("data/sleep.csv") # same as above  # or download data from website directly  url <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hauselin/rtutorialsite/master/data/sleep.csv" df_url <- fread(url)          

I always use fread() from the data.table to read data now. It's super intelligent and fast (reads gigabytes of data in just a few seconds).

The . in the file path simply refers to the current working directory, so it can be dropped. And .. can be used to refer to the parent directory. If your current directory is /home/desktop, then . refers to just that, and .. refers to the parent directory of your current directory, which is the /home directory.

Comparing the outputs of read.csv(x) and fread(x)

                          df1 # output of read.csv("./data/sleep.csv")          
                          extra group ID 1    0.7     1  1 2   -1.6     1  2 3   -0.2     1  3 4   -1.2     1  4 5   -0.1     1  5 6    3.4     1  6 7    3.7     1  7 8    0.8     1  8 9    0.0     1  9 10   2.0     1 10 11   1.9     2  1 12   0.8     2  2 13   1.1     2  3 14   0.1     2  4 15  -0.1     2  5 16   4.4     2  6 17   5.5     2  7 18   1.6     2  8 19   4.6     2  9 20   3.4     2 10          
                          class(df1) # read.csv("./data/sleep.csv")          
                          [1] "data.frame"          

How's the output different from the one above?

                          df3 # output of fread("./data/sleep.csv")          
                          extra group ID  1:   0.7     1  1  2:  -1.6     1  2  3:  -0.2     1  3  4:  -1.2     1  4  5:  -0.1     1  5  6:   3.4     1  6  7:   3.7     1  7  8:   0.8     1  8  9:   0.0     1  9 10:   2.0     1 10 11:   1.9     2  1 12:   0.8     2  2 13:   1.1     2  3 14:   0.1     2  4 15:  -0.1     2  5 16:   4.4     2  6 17:   5.5     2  7 18:   1.6     2  8 19:   4.6     2  9 20:   3.4     2 10          
                          class(df3) # fread("./data/sleep.csv")          
                          [1] "data.table" "data.frame"          

How's the output different from the two outputs above?

Reading URLs and other formats

Check out the csv (comma separated values) data here. You can read data directly off a website.

Most of these read functions can import/read different types of files (e.g., csv, txt, URLs) as long as the raw data are formatted properly (e.g., separated by commas, tabs). But if you're trying to read proprietary data formats (e.g., SPSS datasets, Excel sheets), you'll need to use other libraries (e.g., readxl, foreign) to read those data into R.

                          df_url <- fread("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hauselin/rtutorialsite/master/data/sleep.csv") df_url # print data to console; same dataset fread("data/sleep.csv")          
                          extra group ID  1:   0.7     1  1  2:  -1.6     1  2  3:  -0.2     1  3  4:  -1.2     1  4  5:  -0.1     1  5  6:   3.4     1  6  7:   3.7     1  7  8:   0.8     1  8  9:   0.0     1  9 10:   2.0     1 10 11:   1.9     2  1 12:   0.8     2  2 13:   1.1     2  3 14:   0.1     2  4 15:  -0.1     2  5 16:   4.4     2  6 17:   5.5     2  7 18:   1.6     2  8 19:   4.6     2  9 20:   3.4     2 10          

Summarizing objects

You can summarize objects quickly by using summary(), str(), glimpse(), or print(x, n).

To view the first/last few items of an object, use head() or tail().

                          df3  # see entire data.table          
                          extra group ID  1:   0.7     1  1  2:  -1.6     1  2  3:  -0.2     1  3  4:  -1.2     1  4  5:  -0.1     1  5  6:   3.4     1  6  7:   3.7     1  7  8:   0.8     1  8  9:   0.0     1  9 10:   2.0     1 10 11:   1.9     2  1 12:   0.8     2  2 13:   1.1     2  3 14:   0.1     2  4 15:  -0.1     2  5 16:   4.4     2  6 17:   5.5     2  7 18:   1.6     2  8 19:   4.6     2  9 20:   3.4     2 10          
                          summary(df3) # we use summary() for many many other purposes          
                          extra            group           ID        Min.   :-1.600   Min.   :1.0   Min.   : 1.0    1st Qu.:-0.025   1st Qu.:1.0   1st Qu.: 3.0    Median : 0.950   Median :1.5   Median : 5.5    Mean   : 1.540   Mean   :1.5   Mean   : 5.5    3rd Qu.: 3.400   3rd Qu.:2.0   3rd Qu.: 8.0    Max.   : 5.500   Max.   :2.0   Max.   :10.0                      
                          Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':  20 obs. of  3 variables:  $ extra: num  0.7 -1.6 -0.2 -1.2 -0.1 3.4 3.7 0.8 0 2 ...  $ group: int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...  $ ID   : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...  - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>                      
                          Rows: 20 Columns: 3 $ extra <dbl> 0.7, -1.6, -0.2, -1.2, -0.1, 3.4, 3.7, 0.8, 0.0, 2.0, 1.9, 0.8,… $ group <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 $ ID    <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10          
                          extra group ID 1:   0.7     1  1 2:  -1.6     1  2 3:  -0.2     1  3 4:  -1.2     1  4 5:  -0.1     1  5 6:   3.4     1  6          
                          head(df3, n = 3) # what does this do?          
                          extra group ID 1:   0.7     1  1 2:  -1.6     1  2 3:  -0.2     1  3          
                          tail(df3, n = 2)          
                          extra group ID 1:   4.6     2  9 2:   3.4     2 10          
                          dim(df3)  # dimensions (row by columns)          
                          [1] 20  3          

Use pipes %>% to summarize objects

                          df3 %>% head(n = 2)          
                          extra group ID 1:   0.7     1  1 2:  -1.6     1  2          
                          df3 %>% head(2) # why does this work?          
                          extra group ID 1:   0.7     1  1 2:  -1.6     1  2          
                          df3 %>% summary() # does this work? why?          
                          extra            group           ID        Min.   :-1.600   Min.   :1.0   Min.   : 1.0    1st Qu.:-0.025   1st Qu.:1.0   1st Qu.: 3.0    Median : 0.950   Median :1.5   Median : 5.5    Mean   : 1.540   Mean   :1.5   Mean   : 5.5    3rd Qu.: 3.400   3rd Qu.:2.0   3rd Qu.: 8.0    Max.   : 5.500   Max.   :2.0   Max.   :10.0                      

Using $ and [] to extract elements using their names

                          [1] "extra" "group" "ID"                      
                          df3$extra # extracts column/variable as a vector          
                          [1]  0.7 -1.6 -0.2 -1.2 -0.1  3.4  3.7  0.8  0.0  2.0  1.9  0.8  1.1  0.1 -0.1 [16]  4.4  5.5  1.6  4.6  3.4          
                          [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2          
                          [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10          
                          # create a list with named items a, b, c myList <- list(a = -999, b = c(TRUE, FALSE, T, T), c = c('my_amazing_list'))  class(myList)          
                          [1] "list"          
                          [1] "a" "b" "c"          
                          myList # note the structure of a list ($ signs tell you how to get items)          
                          $a [1] -999  $b [1]  TRUE FALSE  TRUE  TRUE  $c [1] "my_amazing_list"          
                          [1] -999          
                          [1]  TRUE FALSE  TRUE  TRUE          
                          [1] "my_amazing_list"          
                          # same as df1$extra, but use characters (in '') to extract elements df1['extra']          
                          extra 1    0.7 2   -1.6 3   -0.2 4   -1.2 5   -0.1 6    3.4 7    3.7 8    0.8 9    0.0 10   2.0 11   1.9 12   0.8 13   1.1 14   0.1 15  -0.1 16   4.4 17   5.5 18   1.6 19   4.6 20   3.4          

** BUT the syntax above only works for the data.frame class!**

                          df3['extra'] # fails!!!          
                          Error in `[.data.table`(df3, "extra"): When i is a data.table (or character vector), the columns to join by must be specified using 'on=' argument (see ?data.table), by keying x (i.e. sorted, and, marked as sorted, see ?setkey), or by sharing column names between x and i (i.e., a natural join). Keyed joins might have further speed benefits on very large data due to x being sorted in RAM.          

If it's a data.table class, you do it differently (so know the classes of your objects)! But more on data.table later on.

                          df3[, 'extra'] # df3[i, j] (i is row, and j is column)          
                          extra  1:   0.7  2:  -1.6  3:  -0.2  4:  -1.2  5:  -0.1  6:   3.4  7:   3.7  8:   0.8  9:   0.0 10:   2.0 11:   1.9 12:   0.8 13:   1.1 14:   0.1 15:  -0.1 16:   4.4 17:   5.5 18:   1.6 19:   4.6 20:   3.4          
                          # df3$extra also works for data.table          

Writing/saving dataframes or datatables as csv files

IMPORTANT: The functions below overwrite any existing files that have the same name and you can't recover the original file if you've overwritten it!

                          # save data to your working directory # data.table's fwrite fwrite(df3, 'example1_df3.csv')  # save data to the data inside your current directory, assuming it exists! fwrite(df3, 'data/example1_df3.csv')          

The more common base R function is write.csv() but I never use it now and always use fwrite from data.table, which works for any type of dataframe you want to save (not limited to data.table).

Here's the base R function. Note that you'll have to specify row.names = F to prevent write.csv() from adding an extra column with row numbers when it saves the data (another reason to use fwrite instead).

                          # saves in your working directory write.csv(df3, 'example1_df3.csv', row.names = F)  # saves in your data directory (assumes data directory exists!) write.csv(df3, './data/example2_df3.csv', row.names = F)                      

tidyverse: a collection of R packages


The tidyverse is an opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science. All packages share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures.

Included packages: ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, stringr etc. see official website for documentation

I'm running library(tidyverse) here for educational purposes; you only need to load packages once per R session you're running (we already loaded our packages at the top of this script).

Manipulating datasets with dplyr (a package in tidyverse)

Read in data from a csv file (stored in "./data/simpsonsParadox.csv"). Right-click to download and save the data here (you can also use the fread() function to read and download it directly from the URL; see code below)

  • fread(): a function from data.table (fast-read, hence fread) that is VERY fast and powerful, and much better than read.csv() or read.table() from base R
                          df4 <- fread("./data/simpsonsParadox.csv") # or download data directly from URL url <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hauselin/rtutorialsite/master/data/simpsonsParadox.csv" df4 <- fread(url) class(df4) # note it's a data.table AND a data.frame          
                          [1] "data.table" "data.frame"          
                          dim(df4)  # no. of rows and columns          
                          [1] 40  3          
                          glimpse(df4) # have a glimpse of the data (quick summary of data and column classes)          
                          Rows: 40 Columns: 3 $ iq     <dbl> 94.5128, 95.4359, 97.7949, 98.1026, 96.5641, 101.5897, 100.871… $ grades <dbl> 67.9295, 82.5449, 69.0833, 83.3141, 99.0833, 89.8526, 73.6987,… $ class  <chr> "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b…          
                          # str(df4) # similar to glimpse          

glimpse() summarizes your data and tells you how many rows/columns you have and the class of each column.

  • dbl: double (a type of number with decimal places)
  • chr: character/string

Select columns/variables with select()

Select with names

                          select(df4, iq) # just prints the output to console without saving          
                          iq  1:  94.5128  2:  95.4359  3:  97.7949  4:  98.1026  5:  96.5641  6: 101.5897  7: 100.8718  8:  97.0769  9:  94.2051 10:  94.4103 11: 103.7436 12: 102.8205 13: 101.5897 14: 105.3846 15: 106.4103 16: 109.4872 17: 107.2308 18: 107.2308 19: 102.1026 20: 100.0513 21: 111.0256 22: 114.7179 23: 112.2564 24: 108.6667 25: 110.5128 26: 114.1026 27: 115.0256 28: 118.7179 29: 112.8718 30: 118.0000 31: 116.9744 32: 121.1795 33: 117.6923 34: 121.8974 35: 123.6410 36: 121.3846 37: 123.7436 38: 124.7692 39: 124.8718 40: 127.6410           iq          
                          df4_iq <- select(df4, iq) # if you want to save as a new object df4_iq # print df4_iq          
                          iq  1:  94.5128  2:  95.4359  3:  97.7949  4:  98.1026  5:  96.5641  6: 101.5897  7: 100.8718  8:  97.0769  9:  94.2051 10:  94.4103 11: 103.7436 12: 102.8205 13: 101.5897 14: 105.3846 15: 106.4103 16: 109.4872 17: 107.2308 18: 107.2308 19: 102.1026 20: 100.0513 21: 111.0256 22: 114.7179 23: 112.2564 24: 108.6667 25: 110.5128 26: 114.1026 27: 115.0256 28: 118.7179 29: 112.8718 30: 118.0000 31: 116.9744 32: 121.1795 33: 117.6923 34: 121.8974 35: 123.6410 36: 121.3846 37: 123.7436 38: 124.7692 39: 124.8718 40: 127.6410           iq          
                          # select without assigning/saving output to a variable/object select(df4, class, grades)          
                          class  grades  1:     a 67.9295  2:     a 82.5449  3:     a 69.0833  4:     a 83.3141  5:     a 99.0833  6:     a 89.8526  7:     a 73.6987  8:     a 47.9295  9:     a 55.6218 10:     a 44.4679 11:     b 74.0833 12:     b 59.8526 13:     b 47.9295 14:     b 44.8526 15:     b 60.2372 16:     b 64.8526 17:     b 74.4679 18:     b 49.8526 19:     b 37.9295 20:     b 54.8526 21:     c 56.0064 22:     c 56.0064 23:     c 46.3910 24:     c 43.6987 25:     c 36.3910 26:     c 30.2372 27:     c 39.4679 28:     c 51.0064 29:     c 64.0833 30:     c 55.3000 31:     d 17.5449 32:     d 35.2372 33:     d 29.8526 34:     d 18.3141 35:     d 29.4679 36:     d 53.6987 37:     d 63.6987 38:     d 48.6987 39:     d 38.3141 40:     d 51.7756     class  grades          
                          select(df4, iq, grades)          
                          iq  grades  1:  94.5128 67.9295  2:  95.4359 82.5449  3:  97.7949 69.0833  4:  98.1026 83.3141  5:  96.5641 99.0833  6: 101.5897 89.8526  7: 100.8718 73.6987  8:  97.0769 47.9295  9:  94.2051 55.6218 10:  94.4103 44.4679 11: 103.7436 74.0833 12: 102.8205 59.8526 13: 101.5897 47.9295 14: 105.3846 44.8526 15: 106.4103 60.2372 16: 109.4872 64.8526 17: 107.2308 74.4679 18: 107.2308 49.8526 19: 102.1026 37.9295 20: 100.0513 54.8526 21: 111.0256 56.0064 22: 114.7179 56.0064 23: 112.2564 46.3910 24: 108.6667 43.6987 25: 110.5128 36.3910 26: 114.1026 30.2372 27: 115.0256 39.4679 28: 118.7179 51.0064 29: 112.8718 64.0833 30: 118.0000 55.3000 31: 116.9744 17.5449 32: 121.1795 35.2372 33: 117.6923 29.8526 34: 121.8974 18.3141 35: 123.6410 29.4679 36: 121.3846 53.6987 37: 123.7436 63.6987 38: 124.7692 48.6987 39: 124.8718 38.3141 40: 127.6410 51.7756           iq  grades          

Select multiple columns in sequence with :

                          select(df4, iq:class)          
                          iq  grades class  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a  3:  97.7949 69.0833     a  4:  98.1026 83.3141     a  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a  6: 101.5897 89.8526     a  7: 100.8718 73.6987     a  8:  97.0769 47.9295     a  9:  94.2051 55.6218     a 10:  94.4103 44.4679     a 11: 103.7436 74.0833     b 12: 102.8205 59.8526     b 13: 101.5897 47.9295     b 14: 105.3846 44.8526     b 15: 106.4103 60.2372     b 16: 109.4872 64.8526     b 17: 107.2308 74.4679     b 18: 107.2308 49.8526     b 19: 102.1026 37.9295     b 20: 100.0513 54.8526     b 21: 111.0256 56.0064     c 22: 114.7179 56.0064     c 23: 112.2564 46.3910     c 24: 108.6667 43.6987     c 25: 110.5128 36.3910     c 26: 114.1026 30.2372     c 27: 115.0256 39.4679     c 28: 118.7179 51.0064     c 29: 112.8718 64.0833     c 30: 118.0000 55.3000     c 31: 116.9744 17.5449     d 32: 121.1795 35.2372     d 33: 117.6923 29.8526     d 34: 121.8974 18.3141     d 35: 123.6410 29.4679     d 36: 121.3846 53.6987     d 37: 123.7436 63.6987     d 38: 124.7692 48.6987     d 39: 124.8718 38.3141     d 40: 127.6410 51.7756     d           iq  grades class          

Select with numbers

                          select(df4, 1, 3)          
                          iq class  1:  94.5128     a  2:  95.4359     a  3:  97.7949     a  4:  98.1026     a  5:  96.5641     a  6: 101.5897     a  7: 100.8718     a  8:  97.0769     a  9:  94.2051     a 10:  94.4103     a 11: 103.7436     b 12: 102.8205     b 13: 101.5897     b 14: 105.3846     b 15: 106.4103     b 16: 109.4872     b 17: 107.2308     b 18: 107.2308     b 19: 102.1026     b 20: 100.0513     b 21: 111.0256     c 22: 114.7179     c 23: 112.2564     c 24: 108.6667     c 25: 110.5128     c 26: 114.1026     c 27: 115.0256     c 28: 118.7179     c 29: 112.8718     c 30: 118.0000     c 31: 116.9744     d 32: 121.1795     d 33: 117.6923     d 34: 121.8974     d 35: 123.6410     d 36: 121.3846     d 37: 123.7436     d 38: 124.7692     d 39: 124.8718     d 40: 127.6410     d           iq class          
                          select(df4, 1:3) # what does 1:3 do? run 1:3 in your console          
                          iq  grades class  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a  3:  97.7949 69.0833     a  4:  98.1026 83.3141     a  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a  6: 101.5897 89.8526     a  7: 100.8718 73.6987     a  8:  97.0769 47.9295     a  9:  94.2051 55.6218     a 10:  94.4103 44.4679     a 11: 103.7436 74.0833     b 12: 102.8205 59.8526     b 13: 101.5897 47.9295     b 14: 105.3846 44.8526     b 15: 106.4103 60.2372     b 16: 109.4872 64.8526     b 17: 107.2308 74.4679     b 18: 107.2308 49.8526     b 19: 102.1026 37.9295     b 20: 100.0513 54.8526     b 21: 111.0256 56.0064     c 22: 114.7179 56.0064     c 23: 112.2564 46.3910     c 24: 108.6667 43.6987     c 25: 110.5128 36.3910     c 26: 114.1026 30.2372     c 27: 115.0256 39.4679     c 28: 118.7179 51.0064     c 29: 112.8718 64.0833     c 30: 118.0000 55.3000     c 31: 116.9744 17.5449     d 32: 121.1795 35.2372     d 33: 117.6923 29.8526     d 34: 121.8974 18.3141     d 35: 123.6410 29.4679     d 36: 121.3846 53.6987     d 37: 123.7436 63.6987     d 38: 124.7692 48.6987     d 39: 124.8718 38.3141     d 40: 127.6410 51.7756     d           iq  grades class          

How can we reorder columns with select()?

                          select(df4, 3:1) # column 3, then 2, then 1          
                          class  grades       iq  1:     a 67.9295  94.5128  2:     a 82.5449  95.4359  3:     a 69.0833  97.7949  4:     a 83.3141  98.1026  5:     a 99.0833  96.5641  6:     a 89.8526 101.5897  7:     a 73.6987 100.8718  8:     a 47.9295  97.0769  9:     a 55.6218  94.2051 10:     a 44.4679  94.4103 11:     b 74.0833 103.7436 12:     b 59.8526 102.8205 13:     b 47.9295 101.5897 14:     b 44.8526 105.3846 15:     b 60.2372 106.4103 16:     b 64.8526 109.4872 17:     b 74.4679 107.2308 18:     b 49.8526 107.2308 19:     b 37.9295 102.1026 20:     b 54.8526 100.0513 21:     c 56.0064 111.0256 22:     c 56.0064 114.7179 23:     c 46.3910 112.2564 24:     c 43.6987 108.6667 25:     c 36.3910 110.5128 26:     c 30.2372 114.1026 27:     c 39.4679 115.0256 28:     c 51.0064 118.7179 29:     c 64.0833 112.8718 30:     c 55.3000 118.0000 31:     d 17.5449 116.9744 32:     d 35.2372 121.1795 33:     d 29.8526 117.6923 34:     d 18.3141 121.8974 35:     d 29.4679 123.6410 36:     d 53.6987 121.3846 37:     d 63.6987 123.7436 38:     d 48.6987 124.7692 39:     d 38.3141 124.8718 40:     d 51.7756 127.6410     class  grades       iq          

Select with starts_with() or ends_with()

                          select(df4, starts_with("c"))          
                          class  1:     a  2:     a  3:     a  4:     a  5:     a  6:     a  7:     a  8:     a  9:     a 10:     a 11:     b 12:     b 13:     b 14:     b 15:     b 16:     b 17:     b 18:     b 19:     b 20:     b 21:     c 22:     c 23:     c 24:     c 25:     c 26:     c 27:     c 28:     c 29:     c 30:     c 31:     d 32:     d 33:     d 34:     d 35:     d 36:     d 37:     d 38:     d 39:     d 40:     d     class          
                          select(df4, starts_with("g"))          
                          grades  1: 67.9295  2: 82.5449  3: 69.0833  4: 83.3141  5: 99.0833  6: 89.8526  7: 73.6987  8: 47.9295  9: 55.6218 10: 44.4679 11: 74.0833 12: 59.8526 13: 47.9295 14: 44.8526 15: 60.2372 16: 64.8526 17: 74.4679 18: 49.8526 19: 37.9295 20: 54.8526 21: 56.0064 22: 56.0064 23: 46.3910 24: 43.6987 25: 36.3910 26: 30.2372 27: 39.4679 28: 51.0064 29: 64.0833 30: 55.3000 31: 17.5449 32: 35.2372 33: 29.8526 34: 18.3141 35: 29.4679 36: 53.6987 37: 63.6987 38: 48.6987 39: 38.3141 40: 51.7756      grades          
                          select(df4, starts_with("g"), ends_with("s"))          
                          grades class  1: 67.9295     a  2: 82.5449     a  3: 69.0833     a  4: 83.3141     a  5: 99.0833     a  6: 89.8526     a  7: 73.6987     a  8: 47.9295     a  9: 55.6218     a 10: 44.4679     a 11: 74.0833     b 12: 59.8526     b 13: 47.9295     b 14: 44.8526     b 15: 60.2372     b 16: 64.8526     b 17: 74.4679     b 18: 49.8526     b 19: 37.9295     b 20: 54.8526     b 21: 56.0064     c 22: 56.0064     c 23: 46.3910     c 24: 43.6987     c 25: 36.3910     c 26: 30.2372     c 27: 39.4679     c 28: 51.0064     c 29: 64.0833     c 30: 55.3000     c 31: 17.5449     d 32: 35.2372     d 33: 29.8526     d 34: 18.3141     d 35: 29.4679     d 36: 53.6987     d 37: 63.6987     d 38: 48.6987     d 39: 38.3141     d 40: 51.7756     d      grades class          

Dropping columns with -

                          select(df4, -grades) # what should you get?          
                          iq class  1:  94.5128     a  2:  95.4359     a  3:  97.7949     a  4:  98.1026     a  5:  96.5641     a  6: 101.5897     a  7: 100.8718     a  8:  97.0769     a  9:  94.2051     a 10:  94.4103     a 11: 103.7436     b 12: 102.8205     b 13: 101.5897     b 14: 105.3846     b 15: 106.4103     b 16: 109.4872     b 17: 107.2308     b 18: 107.2308     b 19: 102.1026     b 20: 100.0513     b 21: 111.0256     c 22: 114.7179     c 23: 112.2564     c 24: 108.6667     c 25: 110.5128     c 26: 114.1026     c 27: 115.0256     c 28: 118.7179     c 29: 112.8718     c 30: 118.0000     c 31: 116.9744     d 32: 121.1795     d 33: 117.6923     d 34: 121.8974     d 35: 123.6410     d 36: 121.3846     d 37: 123.7436     d 38: 124.7692     d 39: 124.8718     d 40: 127.6410     d           iq class          
                          select(df4, -ends_with("s")) # what should you get?          
                          iq  1:  94.5128  2:  95.4359  3:  97.7949  4:  98.1026  5:  96.5641  6: 101.5897  7: 100.8718  8:  97.0769  9:  94.2051 10:  94.4103 11: 103.7436 12: 102.8205 13: 101.5897 14: 105.3846 15: 106.4103 16: 109.4872 17: 107.2308 18: 107.2308 19: 102.1026 20: 100.0513 21: 111.0256 22: 114.7179 23: 112.2564 24: 108.6667 25: 110.5128 26: 114.1026 27: 115.0256 28: 118.7179 29: 112.8718 30: 118.0000 31: 116.9744 32: 121.1795 33: 117.6923 34: 121.8974 35: 123.6410 36: 121.3846 37: 123.7436 38: 124.7692 39: 124.8718 40: 127.6410           iq          
                          select(df4, -ends_with("s"), class, -1) # what should you get?          
                          class  1:     a  2:     a  3:     a  4:     a  5:     a  6:     a  7:     a  8:     a  9:     a 10:     a 11:     b 12:     b 13:     b 14:     b 15:     b 16:     b 17:     b 18:     b 19:     b 20:     b 21:     c 22:     c 23:     c 24:     c 25:     c 26:     c 27:     c 28:     c 29:     c 30:     c 31:     d 32:     d 33:     d 34:     d 35:     d 36:     d 37:     d 38:     d 39:     d 40:     d     class          

Renaming while selecting columns/variables

                          select(df4, intelligence = iq) # select iq and rename it to intelligence          
                          intelligence  1:      94.5128  2:      95.4359  3:      97.7949  4:      98.1026  5:      96.5641  6:     101.5897  7:     100.8718  8:      97.0769  9:      94.2051 10:      94.4103 11:     103.7436 12:     102.8205 13:     101.5897 14:     105.3846 15:     106.4103 16:     109.4872 17:     107.2308 18:     107.2308 19:     102.1026 20:     100.0513 21:     111.0256 22:     114.7179 23:     112.2564 24:     108.6667 25:     110.5128 26:     114.1026 27:     115.0256 28:     118.7179 29:     112.8718 30:     118.0000 31:     116.9744 32:     121.1795 33:     117.6923 34:     121.8974 35:     123.6410 36:     121.3846 37:     123.7436 38:     124.7692 39:     124.8718 40:     127.6410     intelligence          

Other options for select() include matches(), contains(). For more information, see tutorial/vignette here. For official documentation, see here.

Select rows with slice()

                          slice(df4, 1:5) # rows 1 to 5          
                          iq  grades class 1: 94.5128 67.9295     a 2: 95.4359 82.5449     a 3: 97.7949 69.0833     a 4: 98.1026 83.3141     a 5: 96.5641 99.0833     a          
                          slice(df4, c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9)) # rows 1, 3, 5, 7, 9          
                          iq  grades class 1:  94.5128 67.9295     a 2:  97.7949 69.0833     a 3:  96.5641 99.0833     a 4: 100.8718 73.6987     a 5:  94.2051 55.6218     a          
                          slice(df4, seq(from = 1, to = 10, by = 2)) # same as above, but using sequence function (from 1 to 10, by/in steps of 2)          
                          iq  grades class 1:  94.5128 67.9295     a 2:  97.7949 69.0833     a 3:  96.5641 99.0833     a 4: 100.8718 73.6987     a 5:  94.2051 55.6218     a          
                          slice(df4, -c(1:39)) # remove rows 1 to 39          
                          iq  grades class 1: 127.641 51.7756     d          

Filtering or subsetting data/rows with filter()

While select() acts on columns, filter() acts on rows. It chooses/subsets rows based on criteria you specify.

How many classes are there in this dataset? How many unique classes?

                          [1] "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "b" "b" "b" "b" "b" "b" "b" "b" "b" [20] "b" "c" "c" "c" "c" "c" "c" "c" "c" "c" "c" "d" "d" "d" "d" "d" "d" "d" "d" [39] "d" "d"          
                          unique(df4$class) # unique classes          
                          [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"          
                          df4$class %>% unique() # same as above but with pipes          
                          [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"          

Filter rows that match one criterion

                          filter(df4, class == "a") # how many rows of data do we have now?          
                          iq  grades class  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a  3:  97.7949 69.0833     a  4:  98.1026 83.3141     a  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a  6: 101.5897 89.8526     a  7: 100.8718 73.6987     a  8:  97.0769 47.9295     a  9:  94.2051 55.6218     a 10:  94.4103 44.4679     a          
                          filter(df4, class == 'b') # R accepths single or double quotations          
                          iq  grades class  1: 103.7436 74.0833     b  2: 102.8205 59.8526     b  3: 101.5897 47.9295     b  4: 105.3846 44.8526     b  5: 106.4103 60.2372     b  6: 109.4872 64.8526     b  7: 107.2308 74.4679     b  8: 107.2308 49.8526     b  9: 102.1026 37.9295     b 10: 100.0513 54.8526     b          
                          df4_classA <- filter(df4, class == 'a') # to save filtered data as an object df4_classA          
                          iq  grades class  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a  3:  97.7949 69.0833     a  4:  98.1026 83.3141     a  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a  6: 101.5897 89.8526     a  7: 100.8718 73.6987     a  8:  97.0769 47.9295     a  9:  94.2051 55.6218     a 10:  94.4103 44.4679     a          

Filter rows that match multiple criteria with %in%

Let's say you want to get the rows where the class variable is a or b. You might write the following:

                          filter(df4, class == c("a", "b"))          

What's wrong? Look at the output and compare with filter(df4, class == "a") and filter(df4, class == "b"). How many rows should you expect from filter(df4, class == c("a", "b"))? How many rows did you get?

Here's how to do it correctly. You use %in% if you want to match multiple criteria. == only works if you're matching by just ONE criterion

                          filter(df4, class %in% c("a", "b")) # check number of rows of output          
                          iq  grades class  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a  3:  97.7949 69.0833     a  4:  98.1026 83.3141     a  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a  6: 101.5897 89.8526     a  7: 100.8718 73.6987     a  8:  97.0769 47.9295     a  9:  94.2051 55.6218     a 10:  94.4103 44.4679     a 11: 103.7436 74.0833     b 12: 102.8205 59.8526     b 13: 101.5897 47.9295     b 14: 105.3846 44.8526     b 15: 106.4103 60.2372     b 16: 109.4872 64.8526     b 17: 107.2308 74.4679     b 18: 107.2308 49.8526     b 19: 102.1026 37.9295     b 20: 100.0513 54.8526     b          

Filter by range

                          filter(df4, iq > 120) # iq greater than 120          
                          iq  grades class 1: 121.1795 35.2372     d 2: 121.8974 18.3141     d 3: 123.6410 29.4679     d 4: 121.3846 53.6987     d 5: 123.7436 63.6987     d 6: 124.7692 48.6987     d 7: 124.8718 38.3141     d 8: 127.6410 51.7756     d          
                          filter(df4, iq >= 115) # iq greater than or equal to 120 (> and =, without space in between)          
                          iq  grades class  1: 115.0256 39.4679     c  2: 118.7179 51.0064     c  3: 118.0000 55.3000     c  4: 116.9744 17.5449     d  5: 121.1795 35.2372     d  6: 117.6923 29.8526     d  7: 121.8974 18.3141     d  8: 123.6410 29.4679     d  9: 121.3846 53.6987     d 10: 123.7436 63.6987     d 11: 124.7692 48.6987     d 12: 124.8718 38.3141     d 13: 127.6410 51.7756     d          
                          filter(df4, grades < 20) # grades less than 20          
                          iq  grades class 1: 116.9744 17.5449     d 2: 121.8974 18.3141     d          
                          filter(df4, grades <= 30) # grades less than 30          
                          iq  grades class 1: 116.9744 17.5449     d 2: 117.6923 29.8526     d 3: 121.8974 18.3141     d 4: 123.6410 29.4679     d          
                          filter(df4, grades <= 30 & iq > 120) # the intelligent but lazy students          
                          iq  grades class 1: 121.8974 18.3141     d 2: 123.6410 29.4679     d          

Filter for values between a range with %between%

                          filter(df4, grades %between% c(40, 45)) # grades between 40 and 45          
                          iq  grades class 1:  94.4103 44.4679     a 2: 105.3846 44.8526     b 3: 108.6667 43.6987     c          
                          filter(df4, between(grades, 40, 45)) # same as above                      
                          iq  grades class 1:  94.4103 44.4679     a 2: 105.3846 44.8526     b 3: 108.6667 43.6987     c          

If you read the documentation for ?between, you'll learn that %between% and between are shortcuts for x >= left & x <= right.

                          filter(df4, grades >= 40 & grades <= 45)          
                          iq  grades class 1:  94.4103 44.4679     a 2: 105.3846 44.8526     b 3: 108.6667 43.6987     c          

Filter through negating !

                          filter(df4, class != "a") # class IS NOT "a" (! and =, without space in between)          
                          iq  grades class  1: 103.7436 74.0833     b  2: 102.8205 59.8526     b  3: 101.5897 47.9295     b  4: 105.3846 44.8526     b  5: 106.4103 60.2372     b  6: 109.4872 64.8526     b  7: 107.2308 74.4679     b  8: 107.2308 49.8526     b  9: 102.1026 37.9295     b 10: 100.0513 54.8526     b 11: 111.0256 56.0064     c 12: 114.7179 56.0064     c 13: 112.2564 46.3910     c 14: 108.6667 43.6987     c 15: 110.5128 36.3910     c 16: 114.1026 30.2372     c 17: 115.0256 39.4679     c 18: 118.7179 51.0064     c 19: 112.8718 64.0833     c 20: 118.0000 55.3000     c 21: 116.9744 17.5449     d 22: 121.1795 35.2372     d 23: 117.6923 29.8526     d 24: 121.8974 18.3141     d 25: 123.6410 29.4679     d 26: 121.3846 53.6987     d 27: 123.7436 63.6987     d 28: 124.7692 48.6987     d 29: 124.8718 38.3141     d 30: 127.6410 51.7756     d           iq  grades class          

How would you remove values that match "a" and "b"?

                          # the following is WRONG so I'm not running it, but try it yourself filter(df4, class !%in% c("a", "b")) # syntax error...          
                          filter(df4, !class %in% c("a", "b")) # correct syntax          
                          iq  grades class  1: 111.0256 56.0064     c  2: 114.7179 56.0064     c  3: 112.2564 46.3910     c  4: 108.6667 43.6987     c  5: 110.5128 36.3910     c  6: 114.1026 30.2372     c  7: 115.0256 39.4679     c  8: 118.7179 51.0064     c  9: 112.8718 64.0833     c 10: 118.0000 55.3000     c 11: 116.9744 17.5449     d 12: 121.1795 35.2372     d 13: 117.6923 29.8526     d 14: 121.8974 18.3141     d 15: 123.6410 29.4679     d 16: 121.3846 53.6987     d 17: 123.7436 63.6987     d 18: 124.7692 48.6987     d 19: 124.8718 38.3141     d 20: 127.6410 51.7756     d          


==, %in%, %between%, >, >=, <, <=, != are operators. See here for more information.

Rename variables/columns with rename()

                          df4_renamed <- rename(df4, intelligence = iq, examGrades = grades, classroom = class) # rename(data, newname = oldname) df4_renamed          
                          intelligence examGrades classroom  1:      94.5128    67.9295         a  2:      95.4359    82.5449         a  3:      97.7949    69.0833         a  4:      98.1026    83.3141         a  5:      96.5641    99.0833         a  6:     101.5897    89.8526         a  7:     100.8718    73.6987         a  8:      97.0769    47.9295         a  9:      94.2051    55.6218         a 10:      94.4103    44.4679         a 11:     103.7436    74.0833         b 12:     102.8205    59.8526         b 13:     101.5897    47.9295         b 14:     105.3846    44.8526         b 15:     106.4103    60.2372         b 16:     109.4872    64.8526         b 17:     107.2308    74.4679         b 18:     107.2308    49.8526         b 19:     102.1026    37.9295         b 20:     100.0513    54.8526         b 21:     111.0256    56.0064         c 22:     114.7179    56.0064         c 23:     112.2564    46.3910         c 24:     108.6667    43.6987         c 25:     110.5128    36.3910         c 26:     114.1026    30.2372         c 27:     115.0256    39.4679         c 28:     118.7179    51.0064         c 29:     112.8718    64.0833         c 30:     118.0000    55.3000         c 31:     116.9744    17.5449         d 32:     121.1795    35.2372         d 33:     117.6923    29.8526         d 34:     121.8974    18.3141         d 35:     123.6410    29.4679         d 36:     121.3846    53.6987         d 37:     123.7436    63.6987         d 38:     124.7692    48.6987         d 39:     124.8718    38.3141         d 40:     127.6410    51.7756         d     intelligence examGrades classroom          
                          Rows: 40 Columns: 3 $ intelligence <dbl> 94.5128, 95.4359, 97.7949, 98.1026, 96.5641, 101.5897, 1… $ examGrades   <dbl> 67.9295, 82.5449, 69.0833, 83.3141, 99.0833, 89.8526, 73… $ classroom    <chr> "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "…          
                          [1] "intelligence" "examGrades"   "classroom"                      

Create new columns/variables with mutate()

                          # no assignment to object/variable, so only the output is printed; nothing's saved mutate(df4,         iqMeanCentered = iq - mean(iq, na.rm = T), # substract mean iq from each iq        gradesRound0dp = round(grades)) # round grades          
                          iq  grades class iqMeanCentered gradesRound0dp  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a      -14.89489             68  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a      -13.97179             83  3:  97.7949 69.0833     a      -11.61279             69  4:  98.1026 83.3141     a      -11.30509             83  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a      -12.84359             99  6: 101.5897 89.8526     a       -7.81799             90  7: 100.8718 73.6987     a       -8.53589             74  8:  97.0769 47.9295     a      -12.33079             48  9:  94.2051 55.6218     a      -15.20259             56 10:  94.4103 44.4679     a      -14.99739             44 11: 103.7436 74.0833     b       -5.66409             74 12: 102.8205 59.8526     b       -6.58719             60 13: 101.5897 47.9295     b       -7.81799             48 14: 105.3846 44.8526     b       -4.02309             45 15: 106.4103 60.2372     b       -2.99739             60 16: 109.4872 64.8526     b        0.07951             65 17: 107.2308 74.4679     b       -2.17689             74 18: 107.2308 49.8526     b       -2.17689             50 19: 102.1026 37.9295     b       -7.30509             38 20: 100.0513 54.8526     b       -9.35639             55 21: 111.0256 56.0064     c        1.61791             56 22: 114.7179 56.0064     c        5.31021             56 23: 112.2564 46.3910     c        2.84871             46 24: 108.6667 43.6987     c       -0.74099             44 25: 110.5128 36.3910     c        1.10511             36 26: 114.1026 30.2372     c        4.69491             30 27: 115.0256 39.4679     c        5.61791             39 28: 118.7179 51.0064     c        9.31021             51 29: 112.8718 64.0833     c        3.46411             64 30: 118.0000 55.3000     c        8.59231             55 31: 116.9744 17.5449     d        7.56671             18 32: 121.1795 35.2372     d       11.77181             35 33: 117.6923 29.8526     d        8.28461             30 34: 121.8974 18.3141     d       12.48971             18 35: 123.6410 29.4679     d       14.23331             29 36: 121.3846 53.6987     d       11.97691             54 37: 123.7436 63.6987     d       14.33591             64 38: 124.7692 48.6987     d       15.36151             49 39: 124.8718 38.3141     d       15.46411             38 40: 127.6410 51.7756     d       18.23331             52           iq  grades class iqMeanCentered gradesRound0dp          
                          mutate(df4, student_number = 1:nrow(df4)) # assign row/student number          
                          iq  grades class student_number  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a              1  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a              2  3:  97.7949 69.0833     a              3  4:  98.1026 83.3141     a              4  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a              5  6: 101.5897 89.8526     a              6  7: 100.8718 73.6987     a              7  8:  97.0769 47.9295     a              8  9:  94.2051 55.6218     a              9 10:  94.4103 44.4679     a             10 11: 103.7436 74.0833     b             11 12: 102.8205 59.8526     b             12 13: 101.5897 47.9295     b             13 14: 105.3846 44.8526     b             14 15: 106.4103 60.2372     b             15 16: 109.4872 64.8526     b             16 17: 107.2308 74.4679     b             17 18: 107.2308 49.8526     b             18 19: 102.1026 37.9295     b             19 20: 100.0513 54.8526     b             20 21: 111.0256 56.0064     c             21 22: 114.7179 56.0064     c             22 23: 112.2564 46.3910     c             23 24: 108.6667 43.6987     c             24 25: 110.5128 36.3910     c             25 26: 114.1026 30.2372     c             26 27: 115.0256 39.4679     c             27 28: 118.7179 51.0064     c             28 29: 112.8718 64.0833     c             29 30: 118.0000 55.3000     c             30 31: 116.9744 17.5449     d             31 32: 121.1795 35.2372     d             32 33: 117.6923 29.8526     d             33 34: 121.8974 18.3141     d             34 35: 123.6410 29.4679     d             35 36: 121.3846 53.6987     d             36 37: 123.7436 63.6987     d             37 38: 124.7692 48.6987     d             38 39: 124.8718 38.3141     d             39 40: 127.6410 51.7756     d             40           iq  grades class student_number          
                          nrow(df4) # number of rows; ncol() gives you number of columns          
                          [1] 40          
                          1:nrow(df4) # generate sequence of numbers from 1 to number of rows of dataset          
                          [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 [26] 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40          
                          mutate(df4, student_number = 1:nrow(df4))          
                          iq  grades class student_number  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a              1  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a              2  3:  97.7949 69.0833     a              3  4:  98.1026 83.3141     a              4  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a              5  6: 101.5897 89.8526     a              6  7: 100.8718 73.6987     a              7  8:  97.0769 47.9295     a              8  9:  94.2051 55.6218     a              9 10:  94.4103 44.4679     a             10 11: 103.7436 74.0833     b             11 12: 102.8205 59.8526     b             12 13: 101.5897 47.9295     b             13 14: 105.3846 44.8526     b             14 15: 106.4103 60.2372     b             15 16: 109.4872 64.8526     b             16 17: 107.2308 74.4679     b             17 18: 107.2308 49.8526     b             18 19: 102.1026 37.9295     b             19 20: 100.0513 54.8526     b             20 21: 111.0256 56.0064     c             21 22: 114.7179 56.0064     c             22 23: 112.2564 46.3910     c             23 24: 108.6667 43.6987     c             24 25: 110.5128 36.3910     c             25 26: 114.1026 30.2372     c             26 27: 115.0256 39.4679     c             27 28: 118.7179 51.0064     c             28 29: 112.8718 64.0833     c             29 30: 118.0000 55.3000     c             30 31: 116.9744 17.5449     d             31 32: 121.1795 35.2372     d             32 33: 117.6923 29.8526     d             33 34: 121.8974 18.3141     d             34 35: 123.6410 29.4679     d             35 36: 121.3846 53.6987     d             36 37: 123.7436 63.6987     d             37 38: 124.7692 48.6987     d             38 39: 124.8718 38.3141     d             39 40: 127.6410 51.7756     d             40           iq  grades class student_number          

Sorting or arranging data rows with arrange()

                          arrange(df4, iq) # ascending order of iq          
                          iq  grades class  1:  94.2051 55.6218     a  2:  94.4103 44.4679     a  3:  94.5128 67.9295     a  4:  95.4359 82.5449     a  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a  6:  97.0769 47.9295     a  7:  97.7949 69.0833     a  8:  98.1026 83.3141     a  9: 100.0513 54.8526     b 10: 100.8718 73.6987     a 11: 101.5897 89.8526     a 12: 101.5897 47.9295     b 13: 102.1026 37.9295     b 14: 102.8205 59.8526     b 15: 103.7436 74.0833     b 16: 105.3846 44.8526     b 17: 106.4103 60.2372     b 18: 107.2308 74.4679     b 19: 107.2308 49.8526     b 20: 108.6667 43.6987     c 21: 109.4872 64.8526     b 22: 110.5128 36.3910     c 23: 111.0256 56.0064     c 24: 112.2564 46.3910     c 25: 112.8718 64.0833     c 26: 114.1026 30.2372     c 27: 114.7179 56.0064     c 28: 115.0256 39.4679     c 29: 116.9744 17.5449     d 30: 117.6923 29.8526     d 31: 118.0000 55.3000     c 32: 118.7179 51.0064     c 33: 121.1795 35.2372     d 34: 121.3846 53.6987     d 35: 121.8974 18.3141     d 36: 123.6410 29.4679     d 37: 123.7436 63.6987     d 38: 124.7692 48.6987     d 39: 124.8718 38.3141     d 40: 127.6410 51.7756     d           iq  grades class          
                          arrange(df4, iq, grades) # ascending order of iq then grades          
                          iq  grades class  1:  94.2051 55.6218     a  2:  94.4103 44.4679     a  3:  94.5128 67.9295     a  4:  95.4359 82.5449     a  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a  6:  97.0769 47.9295     a  7:  97.7949 69.0833     a  8:  98.1026 83.3141     a  9: 100.0513 54.8526     b 10: 100.8718 73.6987     a 11: 101.5897 47.9295     b 12: 101.5897 89.8526     a 13: 102.1026 37.9295     b 14: 102.8205 59.8526     b 15: 103.7436 74.0833     b 16: 105.3846 44.8526     b 17: 106.4103 60.2372     b 18: 107.2308 49.8526     b 19: 107.2308 74.4679     b 20: 108.6667 43.6987     c 21: 109.4872 64.8526     b 22: 110.5128 36.3910     c 23: 111.0256 56.0064     c 24: 112.2564 46.3910     c 25: 112.8718 64.0833     c 26: 114.1026 30.2372     c 27: 114.7179 56.0064     c 28: 115.0256 39.4679     c 29: 116.9744 17.5449     d 30: 117.6923 29.8526     d 31: 118.0000 55.3000     c 32: 118.7179 51.0064     c 33: 121.1795 35.2372     d 34: 121.3846 53.6987     d 35: 121.8974 18.3141     d 36: 123.6410 29.4679     d 37: 123.7436 63.6987     d 38: 124.7692 48.6987     d 39: 124.8718 38.3141     d 40: 127.6410 51.7756     d           iq  grades class          
                          arrange(df4, desc(iq)) # descending order of iq          
                          iq  grades class  1: 127.6410 51.7756     d  2: 124.8718 38.3141     d  3: 124.7692 48.6987     d  4: 123.7436 63.6987     d  5: 123.6410 29.4679     d  6: 121.8974 18.3141     d  7: 121.3846 53.6987     d  8: 121.1795 35.2372     d  9: 118.7179 51.0064     c 10: 118.0000 55.3000     c 11: 117.6923 29.8526     d 12: 116.9744 17.5449     d 13: 115.0256 39.4679     c 14: 114.7179 56.0064     c 15: 114.1026 30.2372     c 16: 112.8718 64.0833     c 17: 112.2564 46.3910     c 18: 111.0256 56.0064     c 19: 110.5128 36.3910     c 20: 109.4872 64.8526     b 21: 108.6667 43.6987     c 22: 107.2308 74.4679     b 23: 107.2308 49.8526     b 24: 106.4103 60.2372     b 25: 105.3846 44.8526     b 26: 103.7436 74.0833     b 27: 102.8205 59.8526     b 28: 102.1026 37.9295     b 29: 101.5897 89.8526     a 30: 101.5897 47.9295     b 31: 100.8718 73.6987     a 32: 100.0513 54.8526     b 33:  98.1026 83.3141     a 34:  97.7949 69.0833     a 35:  97.0769 47.9295     a 36:  96.5641 99.0833     a 37:  95.4359 82.5449     a 38:  94.5128 67.9295     a 39:  94.4103 44.4679     a 40:  94.2051 55.6218     a           iq  grades class          
                          arrange(df4, desc(class)) # descending order of class          
                          iq  grades class  1: 116.9744 17.5449     d  2: 121.1795 35.2372     d  3: 117.6923 29.8526     d  4: 121.8974 18.3141     d  5: 123.6410 29.4679     d  6: 121.3846 53.6987     d  7: 123.7436 63.6987     d  8: 124.7692 48.6987     d  9: 124.8718 38.3141     d 10: 127.6410 51.7756     d 11: 111.0256 56.0064     c 12: 114.7179 56.0064     c 13: 112.2564 46.3910     c 14: 108.6667 43.6987     c 15: 110.5128 36.3910     c 16: 114.1026 30.2372     c 17: 115.0256 39.4679     c 18: 118.7179 51.0064     c 19: 112.8718 64.0833     c 20: 118.0000 55.3000     c 21: 103.7436 74.0833     b 22: 102.8205 59.8526     b 23: 101.5897 47.9295     b 24: 105.3846 44.8526     b 25: 106.4103 60.2372     b 26: 109.4872 64.8526     b 27: 107.2308 74.4679     b 28: 107.2308 49.8526     b 29: 102.1026 37.9295     b 30: 100.0513 54.8526     b 31:  94.5128 67.9295     a 32:  95.4359 82.5449     a 33:  97.7949 69.0833     a 34:  98.1026 83.3141     a 35:  96.5641 99.0833     a 36: 101.5897 89.8526     a 37: 100.8718 73.6987     a 38:  97.0769 47.9295     a 39:  94.2051 55.6218     a 40:  94.4103 44.4679     a           iq  grades class          

order() is another function (base R function) people often use to arrange rows. See here for more information.

Combining functions with pipes %>%

                          df4 # reminder what the dataset looks like          
                          iq  grades class  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a  3:  97.7949 69.0833     a  4:  98.1026 83.3141     a  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a  6: 101.5897 89.8526     a  7: 100.8718 73.6987     a  8:  97.0769 47.9295     a  9:  94.2051 55.6218     a 10:  94.4103 44.4679     a 11: 103.7436 74.0833     b 12: 102.8205 59.8526     b 13: 101.5897 47.9295     b 14: 105.3846 44.8526     b 15: 106.4103 60.2372     b 16: 109.4872 64.8526     b 17: 107.2308 74.4679     b 18: 107.2308 49.8526     b 19: 102.1026 37.9295     b 20: 100.0513 54.8526     b 21: 111.0256 56.0064     c 22: 114.7179 56.0064     c 23: 112.2564 46.3910     c 24: 108.6667 43.6987     c 25: 110.5128 36.3910     c 26: 114.1026 30.2372     c 27: 115.0256 39.4679     c 28: 118.7179 51.0064     c 29: 112.8718 64.0833     c 30: 118.0000 55.3000     c 31: 116.9744 17.5449     d 32: 121.1795 35.2372     d 33: 117.6923 29.8526     d 34: 121.8974 18.3141     d 35: 123.6410 29.4679     d 36: 121.3846 53.6987     d 37: 123.7436 63.6987     d 38: 124.7692 48.6987     d 39: 124.8718 38.3141     d 40: 127.6410 51.7756     d           iq  grades class          

You can combine multiple functions with %>%. After adding each function/line, you can check your output before you add the next function/line. This way, you can build really complicated and long code/syntax without nesting functions!

NOTE that comments # are placed AFTER the pipe symbol!

                          df4 %>%   mutate(gradesRound = round(grades), studentNo = 1:nrow(df4)) %>% # round grades, add subject number: .N is a shortcut for nrow(df4)   select(-grades) %>% # remove original grades variable   select(studentNo, class, iq, gradesRound) %>%  # reorder columns   rename(intelligence = iq, examGrades = gradesRound, classroom = class) %>% # rename variables   filter(intelligence %between% c(90, 105)) # select only those with intelligence between 90 and 105          
                          studentNo classroom intelligence examGrades  1:         1         a      94.5128         68  2:         2         a      95.4359         83  3:         3         a      97.7949         69  4:         4         a      98.1026         83  5:         5         a      96.5641         99  6:         6         a     101.5897         90  7:         7         a     100.8718         74  8:         8         a      97.0769         48  9:         9         a      94.2051         56 10:        10         a      94.4103         44 11:        11         b     103.7436         74 12:        12         b     102.8205         60 13:        13         b     101.5897         48 14:        19         b     102.1026         38 15:        20         b     100.0513         55          

The code above doesn't save the output as an object. Below we save it as an object.

                          df5 <- df4 %>%      mutate(gradesRound = round(grades), studentNo = 1:nrow(df4)) %>% # round grades, add subject number: .N is a shortcut for nrow(df4)     select(-grades) %>% # remove original grades variable     select(studentNo, class, iq, gradesRound) %>%  # reorder columns     rename(intelligence = iq, examGrades = gradesRound, classroom = class) %>% # rename variables     filter(intelligence %between% c(90, 105)) # select only those with intelligence between 90 and 105 df5 # check output          
                          studentNo classroom intelligence examGrades  1:         1         a      94.5128         68  2:         2         a      95.4359         83  3:         3         a      97.7949         69  4:         4         a      98.1026         83  5:         5         a      96.5641         99  6:         6         a     101.5897         90  7:         7         a     100.8718         74  8:         8         a      97.0769         48  9:         9         a      94.2051         56 10:        10         a      94.4103         44 11:        11         b     103.7436         74 12:        12         b     102.8205         60 13:        13         b     101.5897         48 14:        19         b     102.1026         38 15:        20         b     100.0513         55          

You can even pipe the output to any other functions (e.g., plotting functions)

                          df4 %>%      mutate(gradesRound = round(grades), studentNo = 1:nrow(df4)) %>% # round grades, add subject number: .N is a shortcut for nrow(df4)     select(-grades) %>% # remove original grades variable     select(studentNo, class, iq, gradesRound) %>%  # reorder columns     rename(intelligence = iq, examGrades = gradesRound, classroom = class) %>% # rename variables     filter(intelligence %between% c(80, 115)) %>% # select only those with intelligence between 80 and 115     ggplot(aes(x = intelligence, y = examGrades)) + # note the + sign! (ggplot uses + sign)     geom_point() + # add each data point     geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = T) # fit regression line with standard error (se = TRUE)          

Higher intelligence, worse grades? What's going on? We figure out why later on. And more on ggplot2 package in future tutorials.

Compute summary statistics with summarize() or summarise()

                          df5 %>%      group_by(classroom) %>% # group by classroom     summarise(iqMean = mean(intelligence, na.rm = T))          
                          # A tibble: 2 x 2   classroom iqMean   <chr>      <dbl> 1 a           97.1 2 b          102.                      
                          df5 %>%      group_by(classroom) %>% # group by classroom     summarize(iqClassMean = mean(intelligence, na.rm = T),               examGradesClassMean = mean(examGrades, na.rm = T))          
                          # A tibble: 2 x 3   classroom iqClassMean examGradesClassMean   <chr>           <dbl>               <dbl> 1 a                97.1                71.4 2 b               102.                 55                      

Same code but with original dataset (dimensions: 40 x 3)

                          df4 %>%      group_by(class) %>% # grouping by class     summarise(iqClassMean = mean(iq, na.rm = T),                examGradesClassMean = mean(grades, na.rm = T))          
                          # A tibble: 4 x 3   class iqClassMean examGradesClassMean   <chr>       <dbl>               <dbl> 1 a            97.1                71.4 2 b           105.                 56.9 3 c           114.                 47.9 4 d           122.                 38.7          

Group by multiple variables/conditions

Randomly generate gender of student for each row of data with sample()

                          sample(x = c("female", "male"), size = 40, replace = T) # what is this doing          
                          [1] "female" "female" "male"   "female" "male"   "male"   "female" "female"  [9] "female" "female" "male"   "female" "female" "female" "female" "male"   [17] "female" "male"   "male"   "male"   "male"   "female" "female" "female" [25] "male"   "male"   "female" "male"   "male"   "male"   "male"   "female" [33] "female" "male"   "female" "female" "female" "male"   "male"   "female"          
                          df4$gender <- sample(x = c("female", "male"), size = 40, replace = T) # df4 <- mutate(df4, gender = sample(x = c("female", "male"), size = .N, replace = T)) # save output as above          

Because the gender labels are generated randomly, you'll get different values each time you re-run the code.

                          iq  grades class gender  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a   male  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a   male  3:  97.7949 69.0833     a female  4:  98.1026 83.3141     a   male  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a female  6: 101.5897 89.8526     a   male  7: 100.8718 73.6987     a female  8:  97.0769 47.9295     a   male  9:  94.2051 55.6218     a female 10:  94.4103 44.4679     a   male 11: 103.7436 74.0833     b   male 12: 102.8205 59.8526     b female 13: 101.5897 47.9295     b female 14: 105.3846 44.8526     b female 15: 106.4103 60.2372     b female 16: 109.4872 64.8526     b   male 17: 107.2308 74.4679     b   male 18: 107.2308 49.8526     b   male 19: 102.1026 37.9295     b   male 20: 100.0513 54.8526     b female 21: 111.0256 56.0064     c   male 22: 114.7179 56.0064     c   male 23: 112.2564 46.3910     c female 24: 108.6667 43.6987     c female 25: 110.5128 36.3910     c   male 26: 114.1026 30.2372     c   male 27: 115.0256 39.4679     c female 28: 118.7179 51.0064     c female 29: 112.8718 64.0833     c female 30: 118.0000 55.3000     c   male 31: 116.9744 17.5449     d female 32: 121.1795 35.2372     d   male 33: 117.6923 29.8526     d female 34: 121.8974 18.3141     d female 35: 123.6410 29.4679     d female 36: 121.3846 53.6987     d female 37: 123.7436 63.6987     d   male 38: 124.7692 48.6987     d female 39: 124.8718 38.3141     d female 40: 127.6410 51.7756     d   male           iq  grades class gender          

Compute mean for each class by gender

                          df4 %>%      group_by(class, gender) %>% # group by class then gender     summarise(iqClassMean = mean(iq, na.rm = T),                examGradesClassMean = mean(grades, na.rm = T))          
                          # A tibble: 8 x 4 # Groups:   class [4]   class gender iqClassMean examGradesClassMean   <chr> <chr>        <dbl>               <dbl> 1 a     female        97.4                74.4 2 a     male          96.9                69.3 3 b     female       103.                 53.5 4 b     male         106.                 60.2 5 c     female       114.                 48.9 6 c     male         114.                 46.8 7 d     female       122.                 33.7 8 d     male         124.                 50.2          

More dplyr and tidyverse information

For much more information, see the following sites

  • dplyr tutorial/vignette
  • official dplyr documentation
  • tidyverse

Supercharging your workflow with data.table()

While the syntax of tidyverse and dplyr functions are really easy to understand, they sometimes can be quite long-winded. Using pipes %>% makes your code readable, but is a bit long to read sometimes. Now we'll see how data.table() can shorten all that code while maintaining readability. Also, data.table() is MUCH faster, which is especially useful when dealing with bigger datasets (hundreds of MBs and GBs and even TBs).

If you use fread('filename') to read your dataset into R, then your object is already a data.table. Check it with class(objectName).

                          iq  grades class gender  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a   male  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a   male  3:  97.7949 69.0833     a female  4:  98.1026 83.3141     a   male  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a female  6: 101.5897 89.8526     a   male  7: 100.8718 73.6987     a female  8:  97.0769 47.9295     a   male  9:  94.2051 55.6218     a female 10:  94.4103 44.4679     a   male 11: 103.7436 74.0833     b   male 12: 102.8205 59.8526     b female 13: 101.5897 47.9295     b female 14: 105.3846 44.8526     b female 15: 106.4103 60.2372     b female 16: 109.4872 64.8526     b   male 17: 107.2308 74.4679     b   male 18: 107.2308 49.8526     b   male 19: 102.1026 37.9295     b   male 20: 100.0513 54.8526     b female 21: 111.0256 56.0064     c   male 22: 114.7179 56.0064     c   male 23: 112.2564 46.3910     c female 24: 108.6667 43.6987     c female 25: 110.5128 36.3910     c   male 26: 114.1026 30.2372     c   male 27: 115.0256 39.4679     c female 28: 118.7179 51.0064     c female 29: 112.8718 64.0833     c female 30: 118.0000 55.3000     c   male 31: 116.9744 17.5449     d female 32: 121.1795 35.2372     d   male 33: 117.6923 29.8526     d female 34: 121.8974 18.3141     d female 35: 123.6410 29.4679     d female 36: 121.3846 53.6987     d female 37: 123.7436 63.6987     d   male 38: 124.7692 48.6987     d female 39: 124.8718 38.3141     d female 40: 127.6410 51.7756     d   male           iq  grades class gender          
                          [1] "data.table" "data.frame"          
                          extra group ID 1    0.7     1  1 2   -1.6     1  2 3   -0.2     1  3 4   -1.2     1  4 5   -0.1     1  5 6    3.4     1  6 7    3.7     1  7 8    0.8     1  8 9    0.0     1  9 10   2.0     1 10 11   1.9     2  1 12   0.8     2  2 13   1.1     2  3 14   0.1     2  4 15  -0.1     2  5 16   4.4     2  6 17   5.5     2  7 18   1.6     2  8 19   4.6     2  9 20   3.4     2 10          
                          [1] "data.frame"          

If your object isn't a data.table, you can convert it to one using setDT().

                          setDT(df1) # setDT() also works (and works without reassignment: no need to use <-) class(df1) # but setDT() doesn't convert your dataset to a tibble class at the same time          
                          [1] "data.table" "data.frame"          

data.table() basics: [i, j, by]

data.table uses a special but extremely concise syntax that only works with objects that have the data.table class associated with them. If you try to use this special syntax on other classes, you'll screw up big time. So check your class or try to convert to or use data.table whenever possible!

data.table[i, j, by]

  • i: row (lets you perform row operations like filter() and slice())
  • j: column (lets you perform column operations like select() and summarize() and mutate())
  • by: group by (equivalent to group_by())

Filter data.table via i

                          iq  grades class gender  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a   male  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a   male  3:  97.7949 69.0833     a female  4:  98.1026 83.3141     a   male  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a female  6: 101.5897 89.8526     a   male  7: 100.8718 73.6987     a female  8:  97.0769 47.9295     a   male  9:  94.2051 55.6218     a female 10:  94.4103 44.4679     a   male 11: 103.7436 74.0833     b   male 12: 102.8205 59.8526     b female 13: 101.5897 47.9295     b female 14: 105.3846 44.8526     b female 15: 106.4103 60.2372     b female 16: 109.4872 64.8526     b   male 17: 107.2308 74.4679     b   male 18: 107.2308 49.8526     b   male 19: 102.1026 37.9295     b   male 20: 100.0513 54.8526     b female 21: 111.0256 56.0064     c   male 22: 114.7179 56.0064     c   male 23: 112.2564 46.3910     c female 24: 108.6667 43.6987     c female 25: 110.5128 36.3910     c   male 26: 114.1026 30.2372     c   male 27: 115.0256 39.4679     c female 28: 118.7179 51.0064     c female 29: 112.8718 64.0833     c female 30: 118.0000 55.3000     c   male 31: 116.9744 17.5449     d female 32: 121.1795 35.2372     d   male 33: 117.6923 29.8526     d female 34: 121.8974 18.3141     d female 35: 123.6410 29.4679     d female 36: 121.3846 53.6987     d female 37: 123.7436 63.6987     d   male 38: 124.7692 48.6987     d female 39: 124.8718 38.3141     d female 40: 127.6410 51.7756     d   male           iq  grades class gender          
                          class(df4) # is it a data.table?          
                          [1] "data.table" "data.frame"          

Different ways to filter via i

                          df4[i = gender == 'female',] # just female (j, by are NULL)          
                          iq  grades class gender  1:  97.7949 69.0833     a female  2:  96.5641 99.0833     a female  3: 100.8718 73.6987     a female  4:  94.2051 55.6218     a female  5: 102.8205 59.8526     b female  6: 101.5897 47.9295     b female  7: 105.3846 44.8526     b female  8: 106.4103 60.2372     b female  9: 100.0513 54.8526     b female 10: 112.2564 46.3910     c female 11: 108.6667 43.6987     c female 12: 115.0256 39.4679     c female 13: 118.7179 51.0064     c female 14: 112.8718 64.0833     c female 15: 116.9744 17.5449     d female 16: 117.6923 29.8526     d female 17: 121.8974 18.3141     d female 18: 123.6410 29.4679     d female 19: 121.3846 53.6987     d female 20: 124.7692 48.6987     d female 21: 124.8718 38.3141     d female           iq  grades class gender          
                          df4[gender == 'female',] # i parameter is not required          
                          iq  grades class gender  1:  97.7949 69.0833     a female  2:  96.5641 99.0833     a female  3: 100.8718 73.6987     a female  4:  94.2051 55.6218     a female  5: 102.8205 59.8526     b female  6: 101.5897 47.9295     b female  7: 105.3846 44.8526     b female  8: 106.4103 60.2372     b female  9: 100.0513 54.8526     b female 10: 112.2564 46.3910     c female 11: 108.6667 43.6987     c female 12: 115.0256 39.4679     c female 13: 118.7179 51.0064     c female 14: 112.8718 64.0833     c female 15: 116.9744 17.5449     d female 16: 117.6923 29.8526     d female 17: 121.8974 18.3141     d female 18: 123.6410 29.4679     d female 19: 121.3846 53.6987     d female 20: 124.7692 48.6987     d female 21: 124.8718 38.3141     d female           iq  grades class gender          
                          df4[i = gender != 'female',] # not female                      
                          iq  grades class gender  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a   male  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a   male  3:  98.1026 83.3141     a   male  4: 101.5897 89.8526     a   male  5:  97.0769 47.9295     a   male  6:  94.4103 44.4679     a   male  7: 103.7436 74.0833     b   male  8: 109.4872 64.8526     b   male  9: 107.2308 74.4679     b   male 10: 107.2308 49.8526     b   male 11: 102.1026 37.9295     b   male 12: 111.0256 56.0064     c   male 13: 114.7179 56.0064     c   male 14: 110.5128 36.3910     c   male 15: 114.1026 30.2372     c   male 16: 118.0000 55.3000     c   male 17: 121.1795 35.2372     d   male 18: 123.7436 63.6987     d   male 19: 127.6410 51.7756     d   male          
                          df4[gender != 'female',]          
                          iq  grades class gender  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a   male  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a   male  3:  98.1026 83.3141     a   male  4: 101.5897 89.8526     a   male  5:  97.0769 47.9295     a   male  6:  94.4103 44.4679     a   male  7: 103.7436 74.0833     b   male  8: 109.4872 64.8526     b   male  9: 107.2308 74.4679     b   male 10: 107.2308 49.8526     b   male 11: 102.1026 37.9295     b   male 12: 111.0256 56.0064     c   male 13: 114.7179 56.0064     c   male 14: 110.5128 36.3910     c   male 15: 114.1026 30.2372     c   male 16: 118.0000 55.3000     c   male 17: 121.1795 35.2372     d   male 18: 123.7436 63.6987     d   male 19: 127.6410 51.7756     d   male          
                          df4[grades > 85,] # rows where grades > 85          
                          iq  grades class gender 1:  96.5641 99.0833     a female 2: 101.5897 89.8526     a   male          
                          # same as filter(df4, grades > 85), but much more concise  df4[iq >= 123 & grades < 50] # smart AND failed          
                          iq  grades class gender 1: 123.6410 29.4679     d female 2: 124.7692 48.6987     d female 3: 124.8718 38.3141     d female          
                          df4[iq >= 123 | grades < 50] # smart OR failed          
                          iq  grades class gender  1:  97.0769 47.9295     a   male  2:  94.4103 44.4679     a   male  3: 101.5897 47.9295     b female  4: 105.3846 44.8526     b female  5: 107.2308 49.8526     b   male  6: 102.1026 37.9295     b   male  7: 112.2564 46.3910     c female  8: 108.6667 43.6987     c female  9: 110.5128 36.3910     c   male 10: 114.1026 30.2372     c   male 11: 115.0256 39.4679     c female 12: 116.9744 17.5449     d female 13: 121.1795 35.2372     d   male 14: 117.6923 29.8526     d female 15: 121.8974 18.3141     d female 16: 123.6410 29.4679     d female 17: 123.7436 63.6987     d   male 18: 124.7692 48.6987     d female 19: 124.8718 38.3141     d female 20: 127.6410 51.7756     d   male          

Slice (select rows) with indices via i

                          df4[1:3] # rows 1 to 3          
                          iq  grades class gender 1: 94.5128 67.9295     a   male 2: 95.4359 82.5449     a   male 3: 97.7949 69.0833     a female          
                          df4[35:.N] # rows 35 to last row          
                          iq  grades class gender 1: 123.6410 29.4679     d female 2: 121.3846 53.6987     d female 3: 123.7436 63.6987     d   male 4: 124.7692 48.6987     d female 5: 124.8718 38.3141     d female 6: 127.6410 51.7756     d   male          

.N is a shortcut for the last index. If a dataset has 50 rows, the .N has the value 50.

                          df4[.N] # last row (.N has the value 40 for our dataset)          
                          iq  grades class gender 1: 127.641 51.7756     d   male          
                          df4[40] # don't believe? try it          
                          iq  grades class gender 1: 127.641 51.7756     d   male          
                          df4[(.N-3):.N] # last four rows          
                          iq  grades class gender 1: 123.7436 63.6987     d   male 2: 124.7692 48.6987     d female 3: 124.8718 38.3141     d female 4: 127.6410 51.7756     d   male          
                          df4[(40-3):40] # same          
                          iq  grades class gender 1: 123.7436 63.6987     d   male 2: 124.7692 48.6987     d female 3: 124.8718 38.3141     d female 4: 127.6410 51.7756     d   male          
                          df4[37:40] # same          
                          iq  grades class gender 1: 123.7436 63.6987     d   male 2: 124.7692 48.6987     d female 3: 124.8718 38.3141     d female 4: 127.6410 51.7756     d   male          

Selecting columns via j

                          df4[, j = grades] # vector          
                          [1] 67.9295 82.5449 69.0833 83.3141 99.0833 89.8526 73.6987 47.9295 55.6218 [10] 44.4679 74.0833 59.8526 47.9295 44.8526 60.2372 64.8526 74.4679 49.8526 [19] 37.9295 54.8526 56.0064 56.0064 46.3910 43.6987 36.3910 30.2372 39.4679 [28] 51.0064 64.0833 55.3000 17.5449 35.2372 29.8526 18.3141 29.4679 53.6987 [37] 63.6987 48.6987 38.3141 51.7756          
                          df4[, grades] # same as above, but note the comma, which indicates j via position (i is before the first comma)          
                          [1] 67.9295 82.5449 69.0833 83.3141 99.0833 89.8526 73.6987 47.9295 55.6218 [10] 44.4679 74.0833 59.8526 47.9295 44.8526 60.2372 64.8526 74.4679 49.8526 [19] 37.9295 54.8526 56.0064 56.0064 46.3910 43.6987 36.3910 30.2372 39.4679 [28] 51.0064 64.0833 55.3000 17.5449 35.2372 29.8526 18.3141 29.4679 53.6987 [37] 63.6987 48.6987 38.3141 51.7756          
                          class(df4[, grades]) # not a data.table!          
                          [1] "numeric"          
                          df4$grades # vector (same as above)          
                          [1] 67.9295 82.5449 69.0833 83.3141 99.0833 89.8526 73.6987 47.9295 55.6218 [10] 44.4679 74.0833 59.8526 47.9295 44.8526 60.2372 64.8526 74.4679 49.8526 [19] 37.9295 54.8526 56.0064 56.0064 46.3910 43.6987 36.3910 30.2372 39.4679 [28] 51.0064 64.0833 55.3000 17.5449 35.2372 29.8526 18.3141 29.4679 53.6987 [37] 63.6987 48.6987 38.3141 51.7756          
                          class(df4$grades) # not a data.table!          
                          [1] "numeric"          

How to select columns and keep them as data.table?

                          df4[, .(grades)] # output looks like a table (tibble + local data table)          
                          grades  1: 67.9295  2: 82.5449  3: 69.0833  4: 83.3141  5: 99.0833  6: 89.8526  7: 73.6987  8: 47.9295  9: 55.6218 10: 44.4679 11: 74.0833 12: 59.8526 13: 47.9295 14: 44.8526 15: 60.2372 16: 64.8526 17: 74.4679 18: 49.8526 19: 37.9295 20: 54.8526 21: 56.0064 22: 56.0064 23: 46.3910 24: 43.6987 25: 36.3910 26: 30.2372 27: 39.4679 28: 51.0064 29: 64.0833 30: 55.3000 31: 17.5449 32: 35.2372 33: 29.8526 34: 18.3141 35: 29.4679 36: 53.6987 37: 63.6987 38: 48.6987 39: 38.3141 40: 51.7756      grades          
                          class(df4[, .(grades)]) # still a data.table!          
                          [1] "data.table" "data.frame"          
                          df4[, j = .(grades, gender, iq)] # select multiple columns          
                          grades gender       iq  1: 67.9295   male  94.5128  2: 82.5449   male  95.4359  3: 69.0833 female  97.7949  4: 83.3141   male  98.1026  5: 99.0833 female  96.5641  6: 89.8526   male 101.5897  7: 73.6987 female 100.8718  8: 47.9295   male  97.0769  9: 55.6218 female  94.2051 10: 44.4679   male  94.4103 11: 74.0833   male 103.7436 12: 59.8526 female 102.8205 13: 47.9295 female 101.5897 14: 44.8526 female 105.3846 15: 60.2372 female 106.4103 16: 64.8526   male 109.4872 17: 74.4679   male 107.2308 18: 49.8526   male 107.2308 19: 37.9295   male 102.1026 20: 54.8526 female 100.0513 21: 56.0064   male 111.0256 22: 56.0064   male 114.7179 23: 46.3910 female 112.2564 24: 43.6987 female 108.6667 25: 36.3910   male 110.5128 26: 30.2372   male 114.1026 27: 39.4679 female 115.0256 28: 51.0064 female 118.7179 29: 64.0833 female 112.8718 30: 55.3000   male 118.0000 31: 17.5449 female 116.9744 32: 35.2372   male 121.1795 33: 29.8526 female 117.6923 34: 18.3141 female 121.8974 35: 29.4679 female 123.6410 36: 53.6987 female 121.3846 37: 63.6987   male 123.7436 38: 48.6987 female 124.7692 39: 38.3141 female 124.8718 40: 51.7756   male 127.6410      grades gender       iq          
                          df4[, .(grades,gender, iq)] # same as above and we often omit j =          
                          grades gender       iq  1: 67.9295   male  94.5128  2: 82.5449   male  95.4359  3: 69.0833 female  97.7949  4: 83.3141   male  98.1026  5: 99.0833 female  96.5641  6: 89.8526   male 101.5897  7: 73.6987 female 100.8718  8: 47.9295   male  97.0769  9: 55.6218 female  94.2051 10: 44.4679   male  94.4103 11: 74.0833   male 103.7436 12: 59.8526 female 102.8205 13: 47.9295 female 101.5897 14: 44.8526 female 105.3846 15: 60.2372 female 106.4103 16: 64.8526   male 109.4872 17: 74.4679   male 107.2308 18: 49.8526   male 107.2308 19: 37.9295   male 102.1026 20: 54.8526 female 100.0513 21: 56.0064   male 111.0256 22: 56.0064   male 114.7179 23: 46.3910 female 112.2564 24: 43.6987 female 108.6667 25: 36.3910   male 110.5128 26: 30.2372   male 114.1026 27: 39.4679 female 115.0256 28: 51.0064 female 118.7179 29: 64.0833 female 112.8718 30: 55.3000   male 118.0000 31: 17.5449 female 116.9744 32: 35.2372   male 121.1795 33: 29.8526 female 117.6923 34: 18.3141 female 121.8974 35: 29.4679 female 123.6410 36: 53.6987 female 121.3846 37: 63.6987   male 123.7436 38: 48.6987 female 124.7692 39: 38.3141 female 124.8718 40: 51.7756   male 127.6410      grades gender       iq          
                          # select(df4, grades, gender, iq) # same as above but with select() df4[, grades:gender] # select grades to gender          
                          grades class gender  1: 67.9295     a   male  2: 82.5449     a   male  3: 69.0833     a female  4: 83.3141     a   male  5: 99.0833     a female  6: 89.8526     a   male  7: 73.6987     a female  8: 47.9295     a   male  9: 55.6218     a female 10: 44.4679     a   male 11: 74.0833     b   male 12: 59.8526     b female 13: 47.9295     b female 14: 44.8526     b female 15: 60.2372     b female 16: 64.8526     b   male 17: 74.4679     b   male 18: 49.8526     b   male 19: 37.9295     b   male 20: 54.8526     b female 21: 56.0064     c   male 22: 56.0064     c   male 23: 46.3910     c female 24: 43.6987     c female 25: 36.3910     c   male 26: 30.2372     c   male 27: 39.4679     c female 28: 51.0064     c female 29: 64.0833     c female 30: 55.3000     c   male 31: 17.5449     d female 32: 35.2372     d   male 33: 29.8526     d female 34: 18.3141     d female 35: 29.4679     d female 36: 53.6987     d female 37: 63.6987     d   male 38: 48.6987     d female 39: 38.3141     d female 40: 51.7756     d   male      grades class gender          
                          # select(df4, grades:gender) # same as above but with select() # df4[, .(grades:gender)] # this version doesn't work at the moment          
                          df4[, c(2, 3, 4)] # via column index/number          
                          grades class gender  1: 67.9295     a   male  2: 82.5449     a   male  3: 69.0833     a female  4: 83.3141     a   male  5: 99.0833     a female  6: 89.8526     a   male  7: 73.6987     a female  8: 47.9295     a   male  9: 55.6218     a female 10: 44.4679     a   male 11: 74.0833     b   male 12: 59.8526     b female 13: 47.9295     b female 14: 44.8526     b female 15: 60.2372     b female 16: 64.8526     b   male 17: 74.4679     b   male 18: 49.8526     b   male 19: 37.9295     b   male 20: 54.8526     b female 21: 56.0064     c   male 22: 56.0064     c   male 23: 46.3910     c female 24: 43.6987     c female 25: 36.3910     c   male 26: 30.2372     c   male 27: 39.4679     c female 28: 51.0064     c female 29: 64.0833     c female 30: 55.3000     c   male 31: 17.5449     d female 32: 35.2372     d   male 33: 29.8526     d female 34: 18.3141     d female 35: 29.4679     d female 36: 53.6987     d female 37: 63.6987     d   male 38: 48.6987     d female 39: 38.3141     d female 40: 51.7756     d   male      grades class gender          
                          df4[, -c(2, 3, 4)] # via column index/number (minus/not columns 1, 3, 4)          
                          iq  1:  94.5128  2:  95.4359  3:  97.7949  4:  98.1026  5:  96.5641  6: 101.5897  7: 100.8718  8:  97.0769  9:  94.2051 10:  94.4103 11: 103.7436 12: 102.8205 13: 101.5897 14: 105.3846 15: 106.4103 16: 109.4872 17: 107.2308 18: 107.2308 19: 102.1026 20: 100.0513 21: 111.0256 22: 114.7179 23: 112.2564 24: 108.6667 25: 110.5128 26: 114.1026 27: 115.0256 28: 118.7179 29: 112.8718 30: 118.0000 31: 116.9744 32: 121.1795 33: 117.6923 34: 121.8974 35: 123.6410 36: 121.3846 37: 123.7436 38: 124.7692 39: 124.8718 40: 127.6410           iq          
                          df4[, 1:3] # via column index/number (1 to 3)          
                          iq  grades class  1:  94.5128 67.9295     a  2:  95.4359 82.5449     a  3:  97.7949 69.0833     a  4:  98.1026 83.3141     a  5:  96.5641 99.0833     a  6: 101.5897 89.8526     a  7: 100.8718 73.6987     a  8:  97.0769 47.9295     a  9:  94.2051 55.6218     a 10:  94.4103 44.4679     a 11: 103.7436 74.0833     b 12: 102.8205 59.8526     b 13: 101.5897 47.9295     b 14: 105.3846 44.8526     b 15: 106.4103 60.2372     b 16: 109.4872 64.8526     b 17: 107.2308 74.4679     b 18: 107.2308 49.8526     b 19: 102.1026 37.9295     b 20: 100.0513 54.8526     b 21: 111.0256 56.0064     c 22: 114.7179 56.0064     c 23: 112.2564 46.3910     c 24: 108.6667 43.6987     c 25: 110.5128 36.3910     c 26: 114.1026 30.2372     c 27: 115.0256 39.4679     c 28: 118.7179 51.0064     c 29: 112.8718 64.0833     c 30: 118.0000 55.3000     c 31: 116.9744 17.5449     d 32: 121.1795 35.2372     d 33: 117.6923 29.8526     d 34: 121.8974 18.3141     d 35: 123.6410 29.4679     d 36: 121.3846 53.6987     d 37: 123.7436 63.6987     d 38: 124.7692 48.6987     d 39: 124.8718 38.3141     d 40: 127.6410 51.7756     d           iq  grades class          

Other ways to select columns

                          df4[1:4, "grades"] # rows 1 to 4; column grades          
                          grades 1: 67.9295 2: 82.5449 3: 69.0833 4: 83.3141          
                          df4[c(2, 5, 8), c("grades", "iq")] # rows 2, 5, 8; column grades and iq          
                          grades      iq 1: 82.5449 95.4359 2: 99.0833 96.5641 3: 47.9295 97.0769          

Column names are stored in an object

                          cols <- c("gender", "class") df4[, cols] # doesn't work!          
                          Error in `[.data.table`(df4, , cols): j (the 2nd argument inside [...]) is a single symbol but column name 'cols' is not found. Perhaps you intended DT[, ..cols]. This difference to data.frame is deliberate and explained in FAQ 1.1.          
                          df4[, ..cols] # works! (special syntax)          
                          gender class  1:   male     a  2:   male     a  3: female     a  4:   male     a  5: female     a  6:   male     a  7: female     a  8:   male     a  9: female     a 10:   male     a 11:   male     b 12: female     b 13: female     b 14: female     b 15: female     b 16:   male     b 17:   male     b 18:   male     b 19:   male     b 20: female     b 21:   male     c 22:   male     c 23: female     c 24: female     c 25:   male     c 26:   male     c 27: female     c 28: female     c 29: female     c 30:   male     c 31: female     d 32:   male     d 33: female     d 34: female     d 35: female     d 36: female     d 37:   male     d 38: female     d 39: female     d 40:   male     d     gender class          

Chaining with data.table ("piping")

                          df4[1:5, 1:3][grades < 80, ][iq > 95, ] # data.table chaining (or piping)          
                          iq  grades class 1: 97.7949 69.0833     a          
                          df4[1:5, 1:3] %>% filter(grades < 80) %>% filter(iq > 95) # same result as above          
                          iq  grades class 1: 97.7949 69.0833     a          

Summarize data via j

                          # compute grand mean iq and rename variable as iq_grand_mean df4[, j = .(iq_grand_mean = mean(iq, na.rm = T))]                      
                          iq_grand_mean 1:      109.4077          
                          df4[, .(iq_grand_mean = mean(iq, na.rm = T))] # also works          
                          iq_grand_mean 1:      109.4077          
                          # also works, but no renaming and returns a vector (not a data.table!) df4[, mean(iq, na.rm = T)]                      
                          [1] 109.4077          

Compare output with summary()

                          summary(df4) # check mean          
                          iq             grades         class              gender           Min.   : 94.21   Min.   :17.54   Length:40          Length:40           1st Qu.:101.41   1st Qu.:42.64   Class :character   Class :character    Median :109.08   Median :52.74   Mode  :character   Mode  :character    Mean   :109.41   Mean   :53.69                                          3rd Qu.:117.77   3rd Qu.:64.28                                          Max.   :127.64   Max.   :99.08                      

What about other statistics and variables? Standard deviation?

                          df4[, .(iq_grand_mean = mean(iq, na.rm = T),         iq_sd = sd(iq, na.rm = T),         grades_grand_mean = mean(grades, na.rm = T),         grades_sd = sd(grades, na.rm = T))]          
                          iq_grand_mean    iq_sd grades_grand_mean grades_sd 1:      109.4077 10.05791          53.69067  18.41199          

Extra stuff…

                          # standard way to fit regression models lm(formula = grades ~ iq, data = df4) # y predicted by x (grades predicted by iq)                      
                          Call: lm(formula = grades ~ iq, data = df4)  Coefficients: (Intercept)           iq      161.1355      -0.9821                      
                          # fit linear regression (lm) inside data.table df4[, lm(formula = grades ~ iq)]                      
                          Call: lm(formula = grades ~ iq)  Coefficients: (Intercept)           iq      161.1355      -0.9821                      

Again, note the negative relationship between iq and grades. We'll explore why in future tutorials.

The point here is to show how powerful j is in data.table. j accepts any function. You can't use this syntax if your object is not a data.table.

                          df4[, summary(lm(formula = grades ~ iq))] # more extensive output          
                          Call: lm(formula = grades ~ iq)  Residuals:     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  -28.715 -12.841  -0.248  11.661  32.779   Coefficients:             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)     (Intercept) 161.1355    27.5316   5.853 9.07e-07 *** iq           -0.9821     0.2506  -3.919 0.000359 *** --- Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1  Residual standard error: 15.74 on 38 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared:  0.2878,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2691  F-statistic: 15.36 on 1 and 38 DF,  p-value: 0.0003592          
                          # summary(lm(formula = grades ~ iq, data = df4)) # standard way to fit regression models          

Or use the summaryh() function in the hausekeep package to get APA-formatted results and effect size estimates.

If you don't have my package and want to use it, you'll have to install it from github. Run devtools::install_github("hauselin/hausekeep") in your R console (you might have to install devtools install.packages(devtools) first).

                          df4[, summaryh(lm(formula = grades ~ iq))]                      
                          term                                                  results 1: (Intercept) b = 161.14, SE = 27.53, t(38) = 5.85, p < .001, r = 0.69 2:          iq  b = −0.98, SE = 0.25, t(38) = −3.92, p < .001, r = 0.54          
                          # summaryh(lm(formula = grades ~ iq, data = df4)) # standard way to fit regression models          

Compute summary statistics and apply functions to j by groups

What if we want the mean iq and grades for each class? Here is where data.table is much more concise than dplyr and tidyverse.

data.table syntax

                          df4[, .(iqMean = mean(iq, na.rm = T)), by = class]          
                          class    iqMean 1:     a  97.05641 2:     b 104.60514 3:     c 113.58973 4:     d 122.37948          
                          # omitting by also works, by not recommended because it makes your code very hard to read df4[, .(iqMean = mean(iq, na.rm = T)), class] # not recommended          
                          class    iqMean 1:     a  97.05641 2:     b 104.60514 3:     c 113.58973 4:     d 122.37948          

dplyr syntax

                          df4 %>%     group_by(class) %>%      summarize(iqMean = mean(iq, na.rm = T))          
                          # A tibble: 4 x 2   class iqMean   <chr>  <dbl> 1 a       97.1 2 b      105.  3 c      114.  4 d      122.                      

Summarize by class and gender

                          df4[, .(iqMean = mean(iq, na.rm = T)), by = .(class, gender)]          
                          class gender    iqMean 1:     a   male  96.85470 2:     a female  97.35898 3:     b   male 105.95900 4:     b female 103.25128 5:     c   male 113.67178 6:     c female 113.50768 7:     d female 121.60439 8:     d   male 124.18803          
                          df4[, .(iqMean = mean(iq, na.rm = T)), keyby = .(gender, class)] # summarize and sort/arrange by class then gender          
                          gender class    iqMean 1: female     a  97.35898 2: female     b 103.25128 3: female     c 113.50768 4: female     d 121.60439 5:   male     a  96.85470 6:   male     b 105.95900 7:   male     c 113.67178 8:   male     d 124.18803          

Summarize by booleans

                          df4[, .(iqMean = mean(iq, na.rm = T)), by = .(gender == "male")]          
                          gender   iqMean 1:   TRUE 107.9919 2:  FALSE 110.6886          
                          df4[, .(iqMean = mean(iq, na.rm = T)), by = .(gender == "male", class == "a")]          
                          gender class    iqMean 1:   TRUE  TRUE  96.85470 2:  FALSE  TRUE  97.35898 3:   TRUE FALSE 113.13215 4:  FALSE FALSE 113.82503          

Combining pipes with data.table and ggplot

                          df4[, .(iqMean = mean(iq, na.rm = T)), .(class, gender)] %>% # compute class/gender mean     ggplot(aes(class, iqMean, col = gender)) + # plot mean values     geom_point(position = position_dodge(0.5)) # plot points and dodge points to avoid overlapping          

Extra cool stuff again…

  • Fit model to entire dataset (grades ~ iq) and use summaryh to summarize model results
                          df4[, coef(lm(grades ~ iq)), by = class] # get the coefficients for each class          
                          class           V1 1:     a -239.5248083 2:     a    3.2030586 3:     b -105.9110635 4:     b    1.5563490 5:     c  -29.0664196 6:     c    0.6772201 7:     d -301.1306213 8:     d    2.7765347          
                          df4[, summaryh(lm(grades ~ iq))]                      
                          term                                                  results 1: (Intercept) b = 161.14, SE = 27.53, t(38) = 5.85, p < .001, r = 0.69 2:          iq  b = −0.98, SE = 0.25, t(38) = −3.92, p < .001, r = 0.54          
                          df4[, summaryh(lm(grades ~ iq)), by = class] # fit model to each class separately          
                          class        term                                                    results 1:     a (Intercept) b = −239.52, SE = 210.07, t(8) = −1.14, p = .287, r = 0.37 2:     a          iq       b = 3.20, SE = 2.16, t(8) = 1.48, p = .177, r = 0.46 3:     b (Intercept) b = −105.91, SE = 137.69, t(8) = −0.77, p = .464, r = 0.26 4:     b          iq       b = 1.56, SE = 1.32, t(8) = 1.18, p = .271, r = 0.39 5:     c (Intercept)  b = −29.07, SE = 129.22, t(8) = −0.22, p = .828, r = 0.08 6:     c          iq       b = 0.68, SE = 1.14, t(8) = 0.60, p = .568, r = 0.21 7:     d (Intercept) b = −301.13, SE = 165.25, t(8) = −1.82, p = .106, r = 0.54 8:     d          iq       b = 2.78, SE = 1.35, t(8) = 2.06, p = .074, r = 0.59          

What we fit just one model to all the data (all 40 rows), what's the relationship between iq and grades? Positive or negative?

And what happens when we fit the model to each class separately, what's the relationship between iq and grades? Positive or negative? We'll explore these relationships in depth in future tutorials.

Creating new variables/columns and reassigning in data.tables with :=

                          df4[, class := toupper(class)] # convert to upper case head(df4) # print the first few rows of df4          
                          iq  grades class gender 1:  94.5128 67.9295     A   male 2:  95.4359 82.5449     A   male 3:  97.7949 69.0833     A female 4:  98.1026 83.3141     A   male 5:  96.5641 99.0833     A female 6: 101.5897 89.8526     A   male          
                          df4[, class := tolower(class)] # convert to lower case head(df4)                      
                          iq  grades class gender 1:  94.5128 67.9295     a   male 2:  95.4359 82.5449     a   male 3:  97.7949 69.0833     a female 4:  98.1026 83.3141     a   male 5:  96.5641 99.0833     a female 6: 101.5897 89.8526     a   male          
                          df4[, sex := gender] # make a copy of column # same as df4$sex <- df4$gender head(df4)          
                          iq  grades class gender    sex 1:  94.5128 67.9295     a   male   male 2:  95.4359 82.5449     a   male   male 3:  97.7949 69.0833     a female female 4:  98.1026 83.3141     a   male   male 5:  96.5641 99.0833     a female female 6: 101.5897 89.8526     a   male   male          
                          df4[, sex := substr(sex, 1, 1)] # take only first character # same as df4$sex <- substr(df4$sex, 1, 1) head(df4)          
                          iq  grades class gender sex 1:  94.5128 67.9295     a   male   m 2:  95.4359 82.5449     a   male   m 3:  97.7949 69.0833     a female   f 4:  98.1026 83.3141     a   male   m 5:  96.5641 99.0833     a female   f 6: 101.5897 89.8526     a   male   m          
                          df4[, iqCopy := iq] head(df4)          
                          iq  grades class gender sex   iqCopy 1:  94.5128 67.9295     a   male   m  94.5128 2:  95.4359 82.5449     a   male   m  95.4359 3:  97.7949 69.0833     a female   f  97.7949 4:  98.1026 83.3141     a   male   m  98.1026 5:  96.5641 99.0833     a female   f  96.5641 6: 101.5897 89.8526     a   male   m 101.5897          
                          df4[iqCopy < 100, iqCopy := NA] # convert values less than 100 to NA head(df4)          
                          iq  grades class gender sex   iqCopy 1:  94.5128 67.9295     a   male   m       NA 2:  95.4359 82.5449     a   male   m       NA 3:  97.7949 69.0833     a female   f       NA 4:  98.1026 83.3141     a   male   m       NA 5:  96.5641 99.0833     a female   f       NA 6: 101.5897 89.8526     a   male   m 101.5897          
                          df4[is.na(iqCopy)] # filter via i (show only rows where iqCopy is NA)          
                          iq  grades class gender sex iqCopy 1: 94.5128 67.9295     a   male   m     NA 2: 95.4359 82.5449     a   male   m     NA 3: 97.7949 69.0833     a female   f     NA 4: 98.1026 83.3141     a   male   m     NA 5: 96.5641 99.0833     a female   f     NA 6: 97.0769 47.9295     a   male   m     NA 7: 94.2051 55.6218     a female   f     NA 8: 94.4103 44.4679     a   male   m     NA          
                          # same as filter(df4, is.na(iqCopy))          
                          df4[iqCopy == NA] # DOESN'T WORK!!! use is.na()          

Remove a column by assigning a NULL to that column

                          df4[, iqCopy := NULL] # same as df4$iqCopy <- NULL glimpse(df4)          
                          Rows: 40 Columns: 5 $ iq     <dbl> 94.5128, 95.4359, 97.7949, 98.1026, 96.5641, 101.5897, 100.871… $ grades <dbl> 67.9295, 82.5449, 69.0833, 83.3141, 99.0833, 89.8526, 73.6987,… $ class  <chr> "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b… $ gender <chr> "male", "male", "female", "male", "female", "male", "female", … $ sex    <chr> "m", "m", "f", "m", "f", "m", "f", "m", "f", "m", "m", "f", "f…          
                          df4[, sex := NULL] glimpse(df4)          
                          Rows: 40 Columns: 4 $ iq     <dbl> 94.5128, 95.4359, 97.7949, 98.1026, 96.5641, 101.5897, 100.871… $ grades <dbl> 67.9295, 82.5449, 69.0833, 83.3141, 99.0833, 89.8526, 73.6987,… $ class  <chr> "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b… $ gender <chr> "male", "male", "female", "male", "female", "male", "female", …          

Renaming with setnames()

You don't need to reassign with <- if you use setnames()! See ?setnames to see how this function works.

                          setnames(df4, "iq", "intelligence") # setnames(datatable, oldname, newname)  # if you rename all variables, you don't need to provide the oldname setnames(df4, c("intelligence", "scores", "classroom", "sex"))                      

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Source: https://hausetutorials.netlify.app/0002_tidyverse_datatable.html